Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blog Intro


Denne blog vil blive delvist på dansk og delvist på engelsk. Nogle af mine indlæg vil blive skrevet på begge sprog, andre vil kun blive skrevet på enten dansk eller engelsk.

I meget lang tid har jeg gerne ville have en blog, men af uforklarlige årsager har jeg aldrig fået taget mig sammen til det. Det er som om det altid kommer noget i vejen når jeg vil lave en blog. Så som morgenmad, frokost eller aftensmad. Eller også er det bare den fact at jeg ikke aner hvad jeg skal skrive. 

Men jeg har fået en ny ven, som også har en blog. Hendes navn er Catherine, hun siger hun skriver som hun tænker. Jeg læste hendes blog og opdagede at hun åbenbart altid tænker super dybt. En anden ting jeg opdagede ved at læse hendes blog, var at hun altid er positiv. Jeg opdagede at jeg er stik modsat og har besluttet mig for at skrive om alt det negative i mit liv. Og, også, i modsætning til Catherine, vil jeg være super overfladisk.
Jeg har en anden amerikansk ven som også har en blog. Hendes navn er Jan Marie. Vi kalder hende bare JM. På hendes blog skriver hun om hvad der sker i hendes liv og hvad hun går og laver.
Så det vil jeg også gøre et forsøg på. Jeg vil skrive lidt om mine desperate forsøg på at finde min drømme pige, mine ynkelige forsøg på at skrive lidt danske raptekster og hvad jeg skal have til middag.

Håber du vil nyde min verden.


This blog will be partly in danish and partly in english. Some of my entries will be in both languages, other will be in danish or english only.

For a very long time I wanted a blog, but for some weird reason I have never gotten around to it. Something always came in the way, like breakfast, lunch or dinner. Or just the fact that that I have no clue what to write.

But I made a new friend, who also has a blog. Her name is Catherine, she told me that she writes what she thinks. I read her blog and found out that apparently she always thinks really deep. Another thin I found out, by reading her blog, was the she's always positive. I realized that I'm the complete opposite, and have decided to write about all the negative things in my life. And, also, opposite Catherine I'm going to be super superficial.
I have another american friend, who also has a blog. Her name is Jan Marie. We just call her JM. On her blog she writes about what's going on in her life and what she is up to.
So I will try to do that. I will write about my desperat attempts to find the girl of my dreams, my pathetic attempts to write some danish rap lyrics and what I'm having for dinner.

Hope you will enjoy my world.


Catherine said...

so... I am a positively deep person... interesting. I feel like I am a shallow negative person personally, but hey... why not.

Nadine said...

Hey Elder Jepsen!
I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I thought I would pass on some wisdom from someone who recently found "the girl of his dreams". He said it was when he seriously start working on becoming the man of his dreams, that he found "the girl of his dreams", and then she found him!
You're a great young man. Keep the faith! Sister Kloepfer :-)