Friday, November 21, 2008

I love this one.

This one really made me laugh, I laughed for hours, and laughs everytime I see it or just thinks about it. So I just had to share it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Love life....

is just something that I don't have, I haven't been on a date in forever now. 
Ok, so people say that I'm a guy and I can just ask a girl out... sure, but that doesn't help if the girls I ask says no, and btw, I have been on dates with pretty much every girl I know, and what's the point of asking them out again when there was clearly no connection!? So, the girls tells me that us guys have it much easier than the girls when it come to the dating scene, cuz we can just ask a girl out and then we have a date, and the girls have it so hard cuz they have to sit around and wait for guys to ask them out, Sure that's true.... NOT!!!! 
I mean it's not easy to be a guy, first we have to take courage to ask the girl out, and if they say yes, wich is not as often as you should think taken in to consideration how many girls complainting about never getting asked out, we have to plan the date. This is not easy, sure we can take them out for dinner and a movie, most girls don't mind that, note that some girls does mind that, so if they don't want to do that, or you have already been on one date with the girl, then we have to be creative. And that is not easy, especially not if you don't have a lot of money. I know I that, most, girls don't expect you to spend a lot of money on your date, but it is really hard to be creative in a cheap way. This is where the girls say: "You can just take me for a walk in the park, or on the beach or you can cook me dinner and we can talk all night, or you can just buy me an ice cream". Yeah sure... I know that's not true, cuz I tried it a couple of times.... and it's obvious that they really don't want that. 
I'm not saying that girls have it easier than guys in the dating world, but just letting you know that it's not easy being a guy either.
Well, so I've pretty much giving up on finding a girlfriend, let alone getting married. And now people are going to tell me what I have heard times before: "You won't find the right girl until you start being the right guy". Sure.... I'm trying that... no luck so far. I guess I just have to be patient. But it is annoying to see that all of my friends an everybody else around me is getting in relationships and getting marreid. 
Well, I guess I will ask somebody out on a date soon and then stop whining.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

FiN2008 according to yepzen and pede

So I went to Fest i Nord this past summer, FiN isn't really my thing but I went anyway, and I was glad that my friend Pede went too.... so this is what we got out of it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Help save the animals

As I was walking down strøget(The big pedestrian street in copenhagen), some people from WWF stopped me and wanted to talk to me. And no I'm not talking about people frolm the World Wrestling Federation, even though it would have been fun if Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior had come up to me and wanted to talk about animal rights. No these people were from the World Wildlife Fund or the World Wide Fund for Nature, which ever they prefer. And, as I already said, they wanted to talk to me about animal rights. More precisely, they wanted me to donate money to help save animals from being killed. First I thought this was a very good cause, and I should donate some money.
But then I asked the girl, what kind of animals they were saving, and she told me that they were saving pandas, seals, dolphins, polar bears ect. ect.
"Oh, that's nice" I said, "those animals are being killed all the time". 
"Yeah" the girl said, "And people just eat them and use the skin for cloth, that is SO mean"
So I asked her if they also saved animals like pigs and cows, and she told me they didn't, and when I asked why, since these animals also get killed all the time, she didn't have an answer for me.
This is where I decided NOT to donate any money.
I mean you just can't decided to save some animals because you like them, and think they are cool and exotic.
You can't go: "But I only wanna save the seals cuz they are SO cute.... cows are dumb and smelly, and they are making the hole in the ozone layer bigger with their farts,  they deserve to die.... but I'm a vegeterian so I'm not going to eat the meat anyway"
You either save ALL of the animals, even the ones you don't like or none at all.... you can't serve both God and mammon.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Sidder og ser Go' Aften Danmark på Tv2, der er et indslag om en kvinde der har skrevet en bog om hvordan kvinder får deres mænd til at gøre mere i hjemmet, fordi hun mente hun gjorde det hele før.... tude tude tude. Jeg er SÅ træt af at høre kvinder tude om mere ligestilling mellem kønnene. De vil have at mændende gøre mere af hus arbejdet og mere af arbejdet på jobbet og de vil have mere løn osv osv. Men de gider ikke gøre noget selv. De gider f.eks. ikke have værnepligt, det er yderst sjældent at det er kvinden der forsøger familien, de gider ikke gøre det ekstra arbejde det ville kræve for at få den løn som mændende får. Jeg synes kvinderne skulle holde op med at tude og komme igen når de virkelig er klar til ligestilling.... og i mellem tiden kan de jo rydde op der hjemme.